
Valve resource sites  
Duncan's Amp Pages A large and comprehensive site including audio amp schematics, simulation tools, free downloads and the best valve data base I've found on the web.
Valve interest sites  
The National Valve Museum This site has a large collection of valve pictures, each with a short description of the valve shown and also several different indices to assist in locating valves. Highly recommended!
JMH's Virtual Valve Museum A large collection of valves with many unusual types such as microwave devices, CRTs, camera tubes etc. A good search engine is provided.
Jonz Valve Page Great site with lots of old radios/TVs, test equipment, information and a very cool 405 line TV testcard generator project with full data. Cool site with projects, data, links and the story of the VT52 triode. Lots on Directly Heated Triodes and not just for your output stage!
Ham radio sites  
AB0CW's Vintage Communications Gear, Homebrew, and Longwave Page By Mark, AB0CW. A large site with Ham radio projects, commercial Ham equipment, military and broadcast gear.
HappySurfer's home page By Brian, AF4K/G3XLQ. An extensive site including radios and components for sale.
Glowbugs web pages By Ken, W7EKB. A good collection of glowbug circuits.
Simple Radio Transmitters and Receivers By Ken, W7EKB. Shows a number of simple, but powerful, transmitters.
QRP, Hand Made Amateur Radio site By Kaz, JF1OZL. An excellent, large site with many low voltage valve circuits.
Harry's Homebrew Homepage By Harry, SM0VPO. Large, multi hosted Ham radio website with some nice valve circuits. Other sites Harry maintains have data sheet libraries.
WD4NKA Home Page Various glowbugs, (including the "Regenerodyne") and the home of Tubepad, a schematic drawing package.

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